Assisted Living

Increased Need for Veterans Assisted Living

There is a growth surge in senior living. It is estimated that 32% of the American population consists of senior veterans. It’s a fact that our senior veterans medical requirements are consistently changing and more than ever. The realization that our veterans are requiring additional assisted living options becomes more prominent, with the economic struggles of recent years.

Veterans in Poverty

There is an average of 15% of our senior veterans living in poverty across America, with astonishing numbers ranging between 8%-29% of each state’s population consisting of retired veterans living in poverty. It’s a sad realization that after everything our veterans have done and sacrificed for our country, many haven’t been able to enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle.

You May Qualify!

If you’re currently struggling to make payments on long term care for Veterans’ senior living expenses and they served during World War II, Korean Conflict, or Vietnam, then they may qualify for additional financial assistance. Many care takers are learning of a little known VA pension program called Aid and Attendance. Aid and Attendance can help offset expenses of assisted living communities. These funds are in addition to any military or private pension you may already receive and thus, can aid you in providing a more comfortable situation for your veteran.
Working Together as a Community

Senior Living Communities are embracing their neighbors by offering ways to show appreciation and education for Veterans. These assisted living centers are a place where families come together in support for our seniors.

By embracing the We Honor Veterans Program, providing family/community events, and being host to FREE Aid and Attendance information workshops; Senior Living Communities are truly striving to do what’s best for our senior Veterans.

Get the Care You Need With Aid and Attendance

Many Senior Living Communities host FREE financial information workshops with up to date material provided by Veterans Financial in order to assist families just like yours!

Veterans Financial is a private financial services company that prides itself in serving their community and its veterans.

These workshops provide an excellent opportunity for families to learn about the Aid and Attendance, benefits while experiencing some amazing Senior Assisted Living Communities.

Help is here!

Over 185,000 families’ lives have changed since learning about Aid and Attendance from the knowledgeable Veterans Financial Representatives.

Our Services

VA Benefits Planning

Medicaid Strategy

Long Term Care Insurance

Final Expense Policy

Home Care

Need Help?

Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1-2 business days. Or just call us now.

+888 450 1055

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